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From the August 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

PEACE! How the ages have longed for it, and how elusive it has seemed to both men and nations! Few there are who have attained a satisfying sense of peace of mind, body, or associations. Yet for nineteen centuries there has been before the world a sure way to peace. This is the Christ-way, ushered in at the birth of Jesus and heralded as that which would bring "good tidings of great joy ... to all people" and "on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:10, 14). When this peace is understood and practiced, there will be no more baffling peace problems, no unrest, no misery or inharmony in the home, in business, or among nations.

Webster gives two definitions of peace: "A pact or agreement to end hostilities," and, "A mental or spiritual state in which there is freedom from that which is disquieting or perturbing, as fears, agitating passions, moral conflict."

The first step to a world peace conceived as "a pact or agreement to end hostilities" has already been taken. But the achieving of a spiritual state of thought in which there is freedom from "fears, agitating passions, moral conflict" can be gained only by the understanding and demonstration of the Christ, Truth, as Jesus lived it. The return to what the human mind calls normalcy may be accomplished in a comparatively short time, but the establishment of a peace which eliminates fear and conflict requires reeducation of the human mind from a material to a spiritual basis.

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