FRIENDSHIP is precious and should be cherished, for to have a friend is to be rich indeed. True friendship goes beyond all human frailties and misunderstandings. It exists eternally and cannot be broken, because it is of God, and in the foreverness of infinite Love self-interest and possessiveness are unknown.
Our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 204): "It is only by looking heavenward that mutual friendships such as ours can begin and never end. Over sea and over land, Christian Science unites its true followers in one Principle, divine Love, that sacred ave and essence of Soul which makes them one in Christ."
May not the friendship of Jesus and the beloved disciple John furnish an example of such oneness? Of John alone it is recorded that he lay on Jesus' breast. No doubt this was not just because Jesus loved John devotedly, but because John, of all the disciples, best understood and loved the Christ-idea, which Jesus demonstrated.