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[Original article in German]

From the January 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the first chapter of John's Gospel there is an account of how Nathanael became a disciple of the Master. At the close of the brief conversation between them Jesus uttered this promise (verse 51): "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." How wonderfully this promise was fulfilled is seen in Jesus' outpouring of love in confirmation of his teaching that through love alone one can and must enter heaven. His resurrection tore down the last bulwark of the structure of lies which constitute material existence and showed the unreality of the belief of death.

His promise of the Comforter, or "the Spirit of truth," which would come and guide into all truth, is fulfilled in Christian Science. Through this Science all the Saviour's promises are fulfilled today. Mary Baker Eddy defines "heaven" as "harmony; the reign of Spirit; government by divine Principle; spirituality; bliss; the atmosphere of Soul" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 587). This teaching is making heaven available to all mankind. Further, it points out that there is only one way leading to this state of harmony. It is the way of Truth, which Christ Jesus revealed.

A Christian Scientist who was passing through a period of great tribulation, for she believed herself to be the victim of envy, jealousy, intolerance, even hatred, took refuge in the Bible, and Jesus' words already quoted arrested her attention. She was impelled to read these words of the Saviour's again and again. Hitherto she had thought they applied only to his time, but the Christ, Truth, was speaking to her through these words, and she began to feel much freer as the fetters of erroneous thinking dropped off. By turning from the consuming thoughts of self-pity to the Mind of Christ, she was delivered from the troublesome lies, for in heaven-filled consciousness they have no place.

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