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From the January 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THROUGH its teaching of the wholly spiritual, immaterial nature of man, God's image and likeness, Christian Science brings to light the demonstrable truth that man's being is invulnerable. It is man's inseparability from Spirit, Life, God, which ensures his safety. The acknowledgment of this indivisible oneness with Spirit includes the recognition that man must be forever separate from matter with its so-called laws of sin, disease, disintegration, and death.

There is no such thing as permanent material security, since everything connected with matter, or mortal mind, is subject to chance and change. Mortal man, the product of this fictitious mind, is as vulnerable, unstable, and insecure as the carnal mind itself; but such uncertainties and mutations are no part of man's real being, which must of necessity partake of the invariable nature of its divine origin, God. Mary Baker Eddy tells us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 503), "God creates neither erring thought, mortal life, mutable truth, nor variable love."

Truth, Life, and Love are eternally unassailable, and so is their representative, spiritual man. The divine Principle which has created man perfect maintains him perfect; thus man, the idea of Principle, is forever invulnerable, safe. He is immune from every attack of error, whether in the form of sickness or of sin.

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