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From the January 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE power and clarity of Jesus' teachings are due to one great fact: he understood and proved himself to be the Son of God, the spiritual idea of Mind, Spirit, and not a fleshly personality. Had Jesus believed in any degree that his real being originated in the flesh, his teachings would have been tainted, adulterated, and weakened by the admission of such a mistake. It is materialism in the thoughts of men and women that weakens their hold on spirituality. But Jesus claimed only one Father, God, Spirit or Life; therefore he acknowledged but one selfhood, and that spiritual and perfect. This enabled him to demonstrate man's unity with God.

This understanding of man's scientific relation to God made Jesus the anointed. It differentiated him from his fellow beings, who erroneously considered man to be matter, subject to human birth, disease, sin, and death. Christ Jesus acknowledged no ties of the flesh and was continually conscious of man's sonship with his heavenly Father.

Jesus' steadfast identification of himself with the Father illustrated the unity of God and man and the Godlike nature of man. He has given to human consciousness a practical model for exemplifying true manhood, and this has made him the Way-shower for all men.

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