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From the January 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A STUDENT of Christian Science had a great awakening to the scientific relationship of God and man when she was forced to release her child from the smothering bondage that her false sense of parentage and ownership had placed upon him. Working to see the nothingness of an oppressive physical ailment her son was manifesting, she declared the perfection of man in the image and likeness of God. She knew that in God's kingdom error has no place, for Truth fills all space; no power, for Love is all power; and no law to govern it, for Principle manifests the only law, always unfolding harmony and freedom for man. Each day it would seem to her that the treatment was complete, since the error was denied and the truth affirmed regarding the different phases of the problem. Yet two weeks passed with no apparent progress.

One night, after praying for the light of Christ to reveal what was obstructing the manifestation of the boy's God-given health, she heard an outburst of heavy coughing from his room. Discouraged and fearful, she sharply questioned herself, "Wherein have I failed?" Directly the answer came, "Get yourself out of the way."

At once the student saw that she had been clinging to a belief of personal possessiveness, of human motherhood and sonship, instead of acknowledging the one and only relationship: the divine Mother, God, and the divine idea. As she surrendered the unreal belief of mortal relationship and realized the perfection of spiritual man, the mesmerism broke. She declared aloud, "I have done the best I could, dear Lord; he is Your son; You help him." Through this relinquishment to some extent of the belief of human motherhood the boy was instantaneously healed. What a conquest of personal sense to the glorification of God! Human affection was purified as this mother learned to acknowledge the motherhood of God.

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