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From the January 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"HOW can I progress most rapidly in the understanding of Christian Science?" This question, which the student of Christian Science frequently asks himself, is answered by Mary Baker Eddy in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Her counsel may well be studied carefully (p. 495): "Study thoroughly the letter and imbibe the spirit. Adhere to the divine Principle of Christian Science and follow the behests of God, abiding steadfastly in wisdom, Truth, and Love."

Four distinct steps conducive to rapid advancement are here outlined. "Study thoroughly the letter," is the first demand. The student who is willing to do this, who has the courage and makes a consistent effort to see to it that nothing interferes with his daily study of the Bible and Science and Health, is not only complying with a condition fundamental to progress, but must inevitably reap the fruitage of spiritual blessing and healing in exact proportion to his consecration, honesty of purpose, and humility. One hundred pages of testimonies of such fruitage from the reading of the textbook appear at the end of Science and Health. A determination to search out the spiritual truths in these books is a right decision, but it is imperative to hold to it and allow no suggestions of lack of time, more pressing duties, or inharmonious surroundings to prevent its being carried out.

Systematic daily study of the Lesson-Sermon found in the Christian Science Quarterly seemed very difficult to a beginner. While she had a sincere desire to know God, and healing had convinced her that in Christian Science lay the answer to her every need, yet the pressing duties of a busy household persistently argued against the effort which would promote her spiritual advancement.

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