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From the December 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"THE true consciousness is the true health." If the world understood and accepted this challenging declaration made by Mary Baker Eddy in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 298), health would be more generally sought and found where it is and has always been—in divine Mind.

Like Pilate, who long ago asked the question, "What is truth?" so today many may ask, "What is the true consciousness?" Christian Science reveals the true consciousness to be God, divine Mind, reflected by man, and opens the way to the understanding of Truth.

Jesus, more than any other, understood and proved man's unity with God. It was his true view of man that enabled him to heal sin, disease, and death instantaneously. He is our Exemplar, but we individually must follow in his footsteps. Each one must work out his own salvation, and as Paul tells us (II Cor. 6:2), "Now is the accepted time." This is not a burdensome task, but a joyous opportunity. There is no greater joy than for one to glimpse his true selfhood, at one with his Father-Mother, God.

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