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From the December 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is the mission of the healing Christ to establish in human consciousness the fact which already exists in divine Science, namely, that Life is eternal. When complete spiritualization of thought is achieved, this fact in all its reality will appear and the belief of death will be destroyed. To all who seek the spiritual growth necessary for this ultimatum, who seek to know God and His Christ, the example of Jesus of Nazareth ever remains. He who gave visible evidence of the Christ in his ministry of love said (John 17:3), "This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."

Profound in its simplicity, but boundless in its range, this statement indicates that the right apprehension of God and His Christ establishes in consciousness the true understanding of life harmonious. As such apprehension is sought and undeviatingly adhered to, material fetters of every kind must fall away. Ever-increasing freedom from disease and sin, from fear and lack, from error by whatever name, must appear. Each added proof of God's ever-presence and allness, when gratefully acknowledged, prepares the thought for still greater demonstration.

Not long after Jesus pointed out the way which makes possible the demonstration of eternal life he proved for all mankind that there is no death, and later rose above all material concepts. Since the belief in death is "the last enemy" which must be overcome, and which sooner or later all must overcome, Jesus' demonstration is of the utmost importance to those who would follow his example. Because no one enjoys illhealth, much successful effort is made in healing disease. But the Master spoke of "greater works" which must be accomplished, and which he promised his disciples they would do. Beginning with the simpler demonstrations, every disciple who increasingly strives to possess spirituality in the measure that the Master did is on the way toward that supreme demonstration which, precluding any materiality or sin, reveals man as undying and eternal.

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