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From the December 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds"

ONCE a year the world is accustomed to look back reverently through the centuries to the historic night when Christ Jesus was born and to review the treasured story of how the Wisemen came to him, led by a guiding star. Consecrated seekers today are constantly rewarded with glimpses of the Christ, Truth. Rare, indeed, is the Christian Science church service wherein to the yearning, receptive thought the Christ-idea does not appear anew with all the brilliance of a guiding star.

Have you ever considered, while attending a quiet, unpretentious Christian Science church service, that this too was a historic occasion? Pondering its spiritualizing effect, perhaps you realized that neither you nor the others in the congregation would ever be quite the same again. The timeless effect of such a service upon the individual and upon the world deserves our thoughtful scrutiny. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, has written in her message to a branch church (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 189): "You worship no distant deity, nor talk of unknown love. The silent prayers of our churches, resounding through the dim corridors of time, go forth in waves of sound, a diapason of heart-beats, vibrating from one pulpit to another and from one heart to another, till truth and love, commingling in one righteous prayer, shall encircle and cement the human race."

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