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From the December 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"WHO hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?" asked Isaiah (40: 12). Glimpsing the omnipotence of God, His incomparable power and judgment, the prophet added with vivid emphasis, "The nations are as a drop of a bucket, and . . . as the small dust of the balance."

The need for understanding spiritually the ever-availability and justice of divine control and its application to every phase of human affairs has never appeared more vitally urgent in domestic, national, and international spheres than it does today. The theory of the balance of power in international relations has been an important diplomatic instrument since early in the seventeenth century.

World equilibrium may appear to rest upon diplomacy and physical force, but it does not. A new vision of spiritual and moral forces is slowly but surely emerging amidst postwar confusion and the welter of human reasoning, and these forces wield a power transcending physical might. This power, the power of thought imbued with the consciousness of divine law, is prophetic of an equilibrium founded upon spiritual values. As the spiritual facts taught by Christian Science become more apparent, that man is governed not by material but by divine law, that so-called material law is rendered null and void by spiritual understanding, human consciousness will rise higher and human governments will improve, thus foreshadowing the equipollence of God.

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