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From the April 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IF man is created by God, Spirit, and if all that exists is divine Mind and its idea, how, when, and where did the belief of material existence originate?

This is a question which presents itself to almost every student of Christian Science. Right reasoning alone can supply the answer. And here a statement by Mary Baker Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is most illuminating. It reads (p. 492): "For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought, namely, spiritual existence. In reality there is no other existence, since Life cannot be united to its unlikeness, mortality."

If we accept this revelation, we see that all correct reasoning must be done from the basis of the allness and infinitude of God, Spirit, and the consequent nothingness and nowhereness of matter. Thus we plant thought firmly on the great fact of spiritual being, which excludes all beliefs of life in matter and clears our vision to perceive that, in truth, mortal man and a material universe never came into being and consequently do not exist, even in belief.

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