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From the April 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE words in the title are prescribed in the order of services in the Manual of The Mother Church and are read before the testimony period at each Wednesday meeting in The Mother Church and in all branch churches and societies. The first portion of the meeting is devoted to the singing of hymns, the reading of selections from the Bible and from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and prayer. These give inspiration and assurance to those present; but the invitation to give testimonies clearly indicates that benefits result from the study of Christian Science and its application to their daily affairs. Since the founding of the Church of Christ, Scientist, by Mrs. Eddy, the testimony meeting has been an integral part of its activity.

This Science reveals the truth of God and of man's inseparable relation to Him. It establishes the fact that the understanding of this scientific truth underlay and consummated all of Jesus' words and works. Also, it proves that the healing Christ is as available today as in the time of Jesus. Its evangelism is nowhere more apparent or effective than in the love and spontaneity expressed in the testimonies given at the Wednesday meetings. Strangers attending one of these meetings for the first time have been convinced by these expressions of gratitude that Christian Science is demonstrable and practical.

So-called mortal mind claims to save humanity from its want and woe through devious ways and means. It is imperative, then, and our great privilege that we who know the true God bear witness to the healing Christ. God says to us, as He said to the people of old (Isa. 43:10,11), "Ye are my witnesses,"and, "Beside me there is no saviour."

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