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From the April 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FROM the Gospel records we learn that Jesus' healings were individual in approach and spiritual in method, though illustrating the unvarying divine Principle and rule of the Bible. Jesus' approach to the case, as well as his admonition following the healing, was distinctly inspirational, never routine. Taking the truth of God's eternal perfection and of man as His perfect likeness as an unalterable basis, he was able to make apparent the unreality and nonexistence of mental and bodily discords by revealing to mortals God's supremacy and allness. No suggestions of the human mind were permitted to obscure the dawning of the Christ and prevent Mind's control over the body from being demonstrated.

The Christianly scientific method of Jesus' healings distinguishes it from all human modes of healing, both mental and material. Because mortals believe disease to be material, mainly unrelated to their thinking, human systems of healing are not concerned with advancing the Christliness of the patient, by which God's supreme and all-good nature is manifested. With their use of stereotyped material remedies and mental hypnotic formulas they do not promote the moral and spiritual growth of mankind. The individuality of the patient is obscured instead of liberated. These methods weigh against the Christ-healing, by which the perfection of God and man is revealed and demonstrated. Christian Science healings are accomplished by the same distinctive and spiritual method practiced by Jesus. Mary Baker Eddy has proved her system to be the original Christ-healing which was inextricably included in primitive Christianity. This she has done through years of research, revelation, and the healing through spiritual power alone of all manner of sin and disease. She has taught her followers this Christianly scientific method.

In Christian Science each case is healed through the prayer of spiritual understanding, not by the repetition of philosophical formulas or the mere recital of familiar words. There must be in every case increased recognition of God's allness and of man's perfection. Spiritual awakening should accompany physical healing in Christian Science, as it did in Jesus' practice. That early Christian healing and Christian Science healing of today are identical in their method becomes apparent when specific cases of Jesus' healings are studied and understood in the light of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy.

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