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Testimonies of Healing

After many years of gaining comfort...

From the June 1949 issue of The Christian Science Journal

After many years of gaining comfort and inspiration from reading testimonies in our periodicals, I will give my own in the hope that it will encourage other readers.

My interest in Christian Science was first awakened by the almost fanatical misstatements made in their sermons by our local Protestant ministers, who were aroused by the holding of services by a few students of Science in our town. I was also impressed by the tolerant and charitable tone of the replies of the Christian Science Committee on Publication to some statements in the local newspaper. I asked a friend whom I knew to be a student how I could learn what the teaching of Christian Science really is, and she gave me a Christian Science Sentinel. I read it that evening and learned of a book called "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I borrowed it, and before I had finished reading it I told my wife it contained what I had been long looking for; and since that time the textbook, Science and Health, has occupied its place beside our Bible.

I am grateful for the many healings I have experienced in the endeavor to put into practice the teachings of this Science, but I am more grateful for the complete reversal of my concept of the teachings of the Bible about God and man's relation to Him. Before, I had been taught to obey with fear and trembling a just and stern God, but in Science I learned of Him as infinite Father-Mother, who loves and cares for His perfect child.

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