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From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

GOD is the source of true hope, for true hope represents a measure of spiritual enlightenment, and all enlightenment has its origin in God. Therefore in entertaining such hope we are in communion with God. The question is, What do we hope for? When we understand God to be good and All-in-all, we naturally hope for good and good only. Evil is alien when hope is enthroned. It is in the certainty of the past, present, and ultimate allness of divine Love that our hope is anchored.

Mary Baker Eddy states in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 113), "Divine Love is our hope, strength, and shield." To hope in divine Love is to trust one's welfare to God, who is Love, and to find in His love the impulse for all our loving. Our highest and best-treasured hope is that divine Love may permeate our thought and action and the thought and action of all mankind.

True hope springs up spontaneously and moves progressively, leading from the realm of doubt into the realm of faith, spontaneity, and understanding. If we seem compelled to wait for release, let us rest in hope and in the patient persistence and conviction that good is ever present and therefore inevitable.

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