OBSERVANCE of the Sabbath day is recognized in every Christian nation and community. Even those who do not make a practice of attending church services often admit that the Sabbath day is a needed day of rest.
In any free country where people worship according to the Holy Scriptures, the mere contemplation of the abolition of the Sabbath as a day of rest, a day of worship, a day apart, would set off an instant thunder of protest, a prompt marshaling of forces to halt such an attempt.
Among those who would vigorously protest any lessened recognition of the Sabbath day would be assuredly the Christian Scientist, for Christian Science supports in all things the highest standards of religious observance. And in the fourth commandment is set forth this Scriptural requirement: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Exodus. 20:8). The consecrated Christian Scientist loves the Commandments and endeavors to keep them. Further, in the light of divine Science he learns to obey them more fully in their deeper spiritual meaning.