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From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ALL human discord stems from the belief that there are two opposite powers, good and evil. But Christian Science teaches that God, good, is All-in-all, while all that claims to be evil is but ignorance of this divine fact. If all men understood God as the one supreme Principle, governing all, sin, sickness, and death would be unknown on earth.

Nearly two thousand years ago the Apostle Paul was regenerated through Christ-healing based on this divine Principle. It was with conviction that he later rebuked the Athenians' belief in an unknown God with the words (Acts 17:23), "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." It remained for Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, to reveal God, all-harmonious, as the demonstrable Principle of His spiritual idea, man, and to make this teaching practical in human lives. Her teaching proves that man is incapable of existence apart from God, since an idea is essentially coexistent with its Principle.

Mrs. Eddy explains in "The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany" (p. 226): "Withdraw God, divine Principle, from man and the universe, and man and the universe would no longer exist. But annihilate matter, and man and the universe would remain the forever fact, the spiritual 'substance of things hoped for;' and the evidence of the immortality of man and the cosmos is sustained by the intelligent divine Principle, Love." An understanding of this basic fact of Mind's ability to sustain and maintain its own ideas wipes out of human consciousness fear, ignorance, and sin, thereby precluding the possibility of disease and death. Through the utilization of God-bestowed intelligence the all-harmoniousness of God's nature is available in all the minutiae of human existence.

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