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From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

OUR beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 267): "God is one. The allness of Deity is His oneness." There is and can be but one God, one Mind, one Life, Truth, Love—our FatherMother—one infinite divine manifestation, one Christ, His Son, the likeness of God. Indeed, the infinitude and immortality of Deity ensure His oneness and allness. Divine oneness is necessarily completeness and is ceaselessly reflected by individual man in infinite variety of expression.

God's oneness, allness, entireness, can have nothing added to it, nor indeed can anything be taken from it. That is why-Deity is unchanging, unending, undeviating, unalterable. That is why man, the eternal evidence of God's perfection, is continuous in his expression of that divine oneness, allness. Man, in His likeness, is the perfect effect of the unchanging, unending, undeviating, unalterable nature of Mind, Soul, God. Man's individuality, being the outcome or evidence of the individuality, or oneness, of Deity, is seen in individuality of expression, without repetition or redundancy. Infinite variety of expression illustrates the ceaseless unfoldment of divine oneness, individually and infinitely diversified. Thus God, the divine intelligence of the spiritual universe and man, is properly and reverently considered in various other terms, such as divine Mind, Soul, Spirit, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, creator, and cause, all of which illustrate His infinite individuality and its infinitely varied manifestation.

The oneness of God, Mind, Soul, Spirit, Life, does not imply or permit stagnation or limitation. Being is never static. Being is omniaction and is forever manifested by man, the expression of Life, the idea of Soul. Life is forever active and limitless by the very nature of its eternal character, forever evidenced, without beginning or end, infinite in its representations and manifestations. Man, in the likeness of creative Principle, shows forth practically, harmoniously, and progressively unassailable health, inexhaustible supply and spiritual perfection.

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