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From the December 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

TOWARD universal peace and harmony more and more significant progress can be made by careful definition of the terms we use and by strict adherence to the meaning assigned to them. Ever since the building of the tower of Babel was frustrated by the sudden division of men into groups speaking different languages (see Genesis 11), mankind has seemed to face that same frustration in the degree that it has failed to learn the lesson that accurate speech, accurately understood, is essential for unity and achievement.

Of course, there have been efforts upon efforts to devise terminology for universal acceptance and employment. But the basis upon which success in this is possible escaped mankind in large measure until Mary Baker Eddy revealed it in connection with her discovery of Christian Science. In her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs. Eddy says pointedly (p. 338), "The dissection and definition of words, aside from their metaphysical derivation, is not scientific."

There our Leader implies clearly that the metaphysical basis for the modes of communication needs to be understood in order that the definition of words may be sound. That word metaphysical also needs clear definition, and this can be had by reference to Mrs. Eddy's examination of the definitions of the word metaphysics given by Webster, Worcester, and Brande and her contrast of them with her own definition (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 69), "Divine metaphysics is that which treats of the existence of God, His essence, relations, and attributes." Then, after another sentence, she adds, "Christian Science is the unfolding of true metaphysics."

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