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Testimonies of Healing

I desire to express my gratitude for the...

From the September 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I desire to express my gratitude for the many blessings that Christian Science has brought into my life. Among my first healings the following stands out in my thought because it was such a convincing proof to me and other members of my family that Christian Science heals.

Since childhood I had been subject to chronic tonsillitis in its worst form. I was sent home from school one day when one of these attacks was upon me. After I had been home for a while, my sister, who was a very young student of Christian Science, told me she thought I should either call a physician or have help through Christian Science treatment. I chose the latter, and my sister went to talk to a practitioner. In a short time I arose, feeling better. I was hungry and was eating when my sister returned. I said, "I am all right now; I won't need a treatment." She lovingly informed me that the practitioner had already treated me; so I learned that my healing had been an instantaneous one. And it has been permanent.

Some of my healings were slow, some quick, but I am grateful for each, for all brought their blessings. In Science and Health (p. 51), when speaking of Jesus, our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says, "His purpose in healing was not alone to restore health, but to demonstrate his divine Principle." I am most grateful for a better and higher understanding of God. Truly, I am deeply grateful to Mrs. Eddy for her loving patience in organizing the Christian Science movement. I am also grateful for the practitioners, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, and for class instruction.—

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