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Testimonies of Healing

These lines from Hymn No.73 in the Christian Science...

From the September 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Psalms of gratitude and praise
Unto God the Father raise.

These lines from Hymn No.73 in the Christian Science Hymnal express my deep sense of gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy for Christian Science. About twenty-five years ago I was told by physicians that I could not live unless I submitted to an operation. An abnormal condition existed, and I was told that this difficulty would prevent me from having the baby we were expecting. At this dark hour in our lives Christian Science was presented to me by my mother, who had but recently become interested in this religion. I consented to see a practitioner, and after a few visits the intense pain I was suffering from left me. In a normal length of time our son was born, and the birth was natural and harmonious. I am ceaselessly grateful for this healing. I immediately took up the study of Christian Science, and it has given me a great peace of mind.

During the last war, when our son was overseas in the Air Corps, I thought of him in the terms of Mrs. Eddy's revelation of man as the son of God. Not only was he unharmed, but the entire crew came through with very few mishaps.

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