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Testimonies of Healing

In 1925 I was ushered into Christian Science...

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In 1925 I was ushered into Christian Science through the healing of nervous prostration. While I was under Christian Science treatment, low blood pressure, severe backaches, headaches, and a chronic condition of constipation disappeared. A physician who formerly attended me said that I would not be here today if it were not for Christian Science.

My mother, who had been given up by materia medica as incurable, was healed of recurrent violent convulsions. My father, a medical doctor, acknowledged the power of the Christ in the healing of my mother and myself and gave his testimony of gratitude in a branch church.

Some time ago, one stormy winter's day, an automobile crashed into a taxicab in which I was riding. I found myself saying. "God is Life!" The taxicab was pinned between a telephone pole and the car. I was taken to a nearby physician, who informed me after an examination that my collarbone was fractured in three places. I sent an immediate message to a Christian Science practitioner for help, but unknown to me, she was not reached until later in the evening. The doctor, knowing that I resided in a rooming house, persuaded me to go at once to the hospital. When I arrived, X rays were taken, and I was told that an operation might he necessary to remove the bone splinters.

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