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Testimonies of Healing

Some fourteen years ago I was suffering...

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some fourteen years ago I was suffering from heart trouble, and a friend with whom I worked in business and who knew of my difficulty laid a copy of the Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel on my desk and asked me if I had ever read them. When I said I had not, he remarked that perhaps I should like to, and so to be courteous I took them home. That evening I looked at one of them and became so interested that I read both these periodicals through and asked my friend for more. Nothing was said about healing, but in less than a week I knew that I was healed, and I had no more difficulty with the heart condition.

Later I was healed through the application of Christian Science of stomach trouble, influenza, tonsillitis, toothache, a sprained ankle on two different occasions, and numerous other ailments. While listening to a Christian Science lecture some ten years ago, I was healed of the tobacco habit, for which healing I am daily grateful. About a year ago I was healed of an eye infection that was becoming serious. This healing came about through application of the truths as brought out in the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. In my daily work I am proving that "all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28).

I am indeed grateful to God for Mrs. Eddy and for all she has done for mankind.

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