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Testimonies of Healing

This testimony is prompted by gratitude...

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

This testimony is prompted by gratitude for our beloved periodicals and for the healing thought expressed in an article in an issue of the Journal.

The clear light of Love shining in the joyous faces of friends who visited my parents when I was a young child awoke in me a deep desire to be a Christian Scientist. At that time our home was not a particularly joyful one, for my parents had undergone a series of financial reverses and as a result had withdrawn almost entirely from contact with former friends. Thus I entered my teens suffering greatly from the problems of self-consciousness and an acute sense of lack. When the family farm was sold, however, and we came to the city to live, I again met these Christian Science friends of my parents, and through their loving influence my brothers and I soon began going to the Christian Science Sunday School.

Since then, although my spiritual growth has seemed slow at times, it has been sure. Shyness and unhappiness, along with the sense of lack, gradually disappeared, and other healings, both mental and physical, have taken place. The replacement of a personal sense of admiration for the friends who brought me into Science with a genuine love for the Cause led to membership in a branch church and more rapid growth Spiritward.

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