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Testimonies of Healing

With a deep sense of gratitude to God...

From the April 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

With a deep sense of gratitude to God for Christian Science, I give this testimony. I was brought up in an orthodox faith, but was never fully satisfied with its teachings. On the invitation of a friend, I attended a lecture on Christian Science and was so impressed with the logical explanations of Truth presented by the lecturer that I decided I would look into it sometime. Later I suffered from nervous exhaustion, which made life unbearable. Doctors could only recommend rest and quiet, but one of them suggested that I try Christian Science. My husband went to a nearby Reading Room and purchased a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I opened it to the chapter on Prayer, and when I came to where Mrs. Eddy says (p. 2), "God is intelligence. Can we inform the infinite Mind of anything He does not already comprehend:' Do we expect to change perfection?" I suddenly realized that in this book was revealed the God whom I had hoped sometime to find—God, who is Love.

As I continued to read, physical healings began to take place. An affected nerve in the sole of my foot, from which I had suffered for years and which doctors had said only an operation would relieve, was healed weeks before I realized it had been. A hemorrhoidal condition also disappeared at that time. The nervous condition seemed slower in yielding, but my complete healing came through the clear work of a Christian Science practitioner. Only one who has had a similar experience can realize the gratitude I feel for this healing.

During the early days of my study of Christian Science our seven-year-old daughter suffered a severe hemorrhage of the stomach. During previous attacks she had spent much time in the hospital, and the doctors could not determine the cause. When another attack came, a Christian Science practitioner was reached, and a few moments later the child called from her bed and asked for some food. For a moment fear of the result of her eating was almost overwhelming, but I granted her request, and then I realized that the healing had been instantaneous. The extreme sense of fear about improper diet which we had held over this child since infancy vanished at that time.

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