To ascertain what comprises man we begin with Deity, his source. Christian Science reveals God as self-existent Mind and Life, the one infinite, all-inclusive Being. Certainly God, the All-in-all, could not be in anything. On the contrary, all that really exists abides in infinite Spirit and, like its source, is purely spiritual. Because God, divine Love, is All, obviously nothing exists outside of God that can be introduced into Him or into man, His likeness, who ever abides in God. Describing the inviolable nature of Deity, John has written (I John 1:5), "This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all."
It is heartening to know that God's man does not deteriorate, because he is the unchanging likeness of his unchanging Principle. Furthermore, it is impossible for man to think a wrong or evil thought or for a wrong concept to be put into the consciousness of man, who reflects the one infallible Mind, God. Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, makes clear in her writings that good does not become evil; that error does not mingle with truth or the material with the spiritual. Although these opposite qualities seem to mingle in the consciousness of men, they never really touch each other. Actually, error only seems to exist until the realization of Truth dispels evil's claim to reality and existence.
What then about the expression, "It's all in my own thinking"? It is true that evil thoughts and aims are the basis of the belief in discord and disease. It is also true that evil appears to one only through the door of his own mortal sense. Naturally, the only place one can meet an unreality which seems real to him is in his own consciousness. But that which seems discordant, harmful, or limiting is but erring belief claiming to be one's thought. It is not person, place, or thing. In reality it never touches, much less becomes a part of, the true consciousness of man.