In a world swept by doubt and insecurity men are turning with increasing urgency to the Bible for the answer to their problems and the establishment of normalcy in their lives. To such, the calm words of King Jehoshaphat to his people contain both condition and promise (II Chron. 20: 20): "Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established."
Christian Science reveals God as Life, Truth, and Love, as the tender Father-Mother, omnipotent and omnipresent, forever responsible for the well-being of His creation. By bringing to light the true nature of God, Christian Science reveals man's identity as spiritual and immortal, even God's own image.
Christ Jesus, the example and Wayshower for all men, demonstrated by the healing of all forms of disease, sin, and lack that man's harmony and security are demonstrable when their basically spiritual nature is understood. Whatever challenge was presented to his pure thought, Christ Jesus was allegiant to the truth that man, the idea of God, is firmly established in omnipotence, therefore perfect. This clarity of vision pierced the mists of materiality and revealed the permanence of man's health and harmony.