Every member of The Mother Church or one of its branches may hear the inspiring message of the Tuesday Evening Meeting which took place in the Extension of the Mother Church on June 7. This meeting, the general theme of which was "Our Duty to Mankind," is available for Christian Science churches and societies through tape recording.
The Chairman of the meeting, James Harry McReynolds, C. S. B., of Dallas, Texas, who lectured throughout the Far East late in 1954, gave the keynote address, entitled "The Universal Appeal of Christian Science." Mrs. Grace Banks Sammons, C.S.B., of Chicago, Illinois, a teacher and practitioner of long experience, spoke helpfully on the subject, "What the Church Can Do in Spreading Christian Science." Herbert E. Rieke, C. S. B., of Indianapolis, Indiana, a teacher and practitioner of Christian Science, who served during World War II as a Chaplain, pointed out the many ways in which the individual student can help. His subject was "What the Individual Can Do to Spread Christian Science." Mrs. Gertrude Morris Verrall, C. S. B., who has long served the New York field as a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science, in a paper entitled "Handling the Claims of Evil," pointed out the vital importance of alertness and persistence. The concluding address, by Ralph B. Scholfield, C. S. B., of London, England, a former First Reader in The Mother Church, dealt with the subject, "The Importance of Love, Within the Church and Without."
The tape recording in English, and manuscript translations in other languages, may be borrowed without charge by any branch of The Mother Church to be presented at a special members' meeting. Members of other branch churches, as well as members of The Mother Church, may also be invited. In remote areas where there is no branch church or society within reasonable distance, a group of members of The Mother Church may arrange for such a meeting.