Christian Science came into my experience when I was attending a university, hungering for Truth, but not finding it there. Today this Science is the way of Life for me. I have experienced many physical healings, and adequate supply has been manifested.
Our three children were born with Christian Science help. The last two were born at home, where the love of Christian Science nurses and the prayerful work of a practitioner made these experiences joyous. Before the birth of each child I studied the paragraph on page 463 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy which has the marginal heading "Scientific obstetrics." This brought a great sense of inspiration and assurance. The last baby arrived half an hour before the physician and the nurse came. There was no fear and no pain. I had been reading a testimony in the chapter on Fruitage in Science and Health. The testifier makes this statement there (p. 611): "I awoke my husband one morning at five o'clock, and at half past five baby was born, no one being present but my husband and myself." My own experience was similar to this one.
We are so grateful to be able to raise our children in Christian Science. Some time ago our little girl was healed of intestinal grippe. My husband and I prayerfully worked for her, but the condition persisted. Finally I called a practitioner and asked her to take up the work. It was uncovered that the child was having a very unhappy time in school. The practitioner told me to tell her that Mrs. Eddy says (ibid., p. 494), "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need." I wrote these words so that she could read them, as she was just beginning to read. Within an hour she was completely free.