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From the December 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In determining the validity of a treasury note, or bill, a bank teller is guided by his knowledge of the genuine article. In other words, he adheres to the known facts about the original for his information. The cleverness of a counterfeit does not influence his decision nor lead him to regard it as so nearly perfect as to be accounted genuine and therefore to be honored.

Daily, hourly, the world is presenting to mankind a counterfeit of man as mortal, as sinful, sick, dying. Ignorant of the complete falsity of this presentation, men are apt to cling to it, following the outlined falsity, the pattern of mortality, unaware of their divine liberty as the children of God, the Father.

Christian Science, which is based wholly upon the inspired Word of the Bible, particularly on the teachings of Christ Jesus, is educating mankind to the great spiritual truths of creation; it is revealing the original spiritual man and universe. Through this enlightening process, men are learning to distinguish between the true and false, the right and wrong, the spiritual and the material concepts of existence. The authority for such distinction is found in the first chapter of Genesis, wherein the origin and nature of man are uncompromisingly set forth in these inspired words (Gen. 1:27): "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

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