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From the December 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"This church is a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts." This announcement, read by the First Reader in a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, and followed by details of the branch church services, Sunday School, and Reading Rooms, brought much helpful unfoldment to a student of Christian Science.

The Mother Church has branches throughout the world. This knowledge cast a new light for the student on the universality of the Church founded by Mary Baker Eddy on the Rock, Christ. It widened and deepened his concept of Church so that he no longer thought of himself as one of a few Christian Scientists in a small town. Rather, he saw that as a co-worker in The Mother Church he had a necessary part to play in the world-wide organization which has as its aim the healing and regeneration of mankind through spiritual prayer.

During a tour of Europe the writer visited a country which, although much larger than England, had no branch of The Mother Church. However, a small group of loyal students, several of them members of The Mother Church and one a practitioner listed in The Christian Science Journal, held Christian Science services every Sunday in a private house. These services followed exactly the Order of Services which appears on page 120 of the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy and were conducted with dignity and deep sincerity. As these students continue to make the Manual and Mrs. Eddy's other writings their guide to further progress in spiritual understanding, they will undoubtedly help their country to join with all those who are blessed in having large and active branches of The Mother Church.

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