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From the December 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A Little girl stood gazing out over a beautiful landscape, brilliant with color. She was enchanted by the view, and turning to her mother, she exclaimed, "Aren't we grateful that God made everything in technicolor?" This incident brought to the writer's thought the deep gratitude which flooded her consciousness when she began the study of Christian Science and discovered that spiritual beauty, color, symmetry, and radiancy are essential qualities of God's creation—wholly spiritual.

The writer had been reared in the old belief that drabness and austerity were virtues and that color and gaiety were to be avoided. She had found it difficult as a child, having a deep love for the beauties of nature, to reconcile this loveliness with the severity demanded by the dictates of a mistaken sense of what constituted reverence for God.

Mary Baker Eddy writes in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 247): "Beauty is a thing of life, which dwells forever in the eternal Mind and reflects the charms of His goodness in expression, form, outline, and color. It is Love which paints the petal with myriad hues, glances in the warm sunbeam, arches the cloud with the bow of beauty, blazons the night with starry gems, and covers earth with loveliness."

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