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From the December 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One of the priceless possessions that Christian Science gives to its students is an eternal Christmas. To the Christian Scientist, Christmas is not confined to the birthday of Jesus, our great Teacher and Way-shower, but is based upon the eternality of the Christ, as exemplified by the Master, and thus is daily available in all its helpfulness. Jesus said (John 8:58), "Before Abraham was, I am," thus defining the eternality of the Christ.

It is this true and deeper sense of Christmas that we as students of Christian Science can celebrate daily and continuously. For we too can say in Christianly scientific terms that before the human concept was, we truly always existed as the forever expression of God in the Mind that is God. This is the acknowledgment of our spiritual preexistence. Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, shows us that it was this acknowledgment of preexistence that made Jesus mighty (see Miscellaneous Writings, p. 189). This same acknowledgment is possible on our part and will make us mighty to the degree that we understand this wonderful, spiritual fact.

Christian Science teaches that man is not a finite physical personality, following other personalities in the cycle of material living. The gift of Christian Science to the world is the truth that man is now the beloved son of God, in whom the Father is well pleased. Understanding the eternality of the Christ, one sees man existing in timeless being, without any fleshly accompaniment.

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