IN his Sermon on the Mount, Christ Jesus places emphasis on the spiritual value of humility when he declares (Matt. 5:5), "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth." Vastly more than a loving commendation of human modesty, lowliness, and selflessness, this pronouncement points the way to spiritual attainment and the final salvation from sin, disease, and death.
As human thought progresses out of a material sense of existence into the spiritual, humility is absolutely indispensable. Humility serves as an evangelizing impetus, by which the human consciousness is enabled to relinquish a false, material ego, or self, and to acknowledge God as the one divine Ego, from which emanate all true individuality and identity.
As an important virtue, humility is worn with equal grace by the so-called lowly and by those of high esteem. The greater the integrity of the individual, the more outstanding his humility. In its highest sense, humility is that quality which enables us to recognize God as the only Mind, the one governing Principle, and man as having no intelligence, ability, or power underived from Him. This admirable characteristic enables us to know man as inseparably linked to God as His idea or reflection, forever under the direction of Truth and Love.