WHAT is the law of good? Does it operate continuously in our behalf? How may we learn to apply it more scientifically? How do God's angels uphold His law? These are important questions to all of us.
The law of good is the law or incontestable will of God. All true law stems from God, the one and only Mind. This law declares God's allness, the allness of good. Because God, Spirit, is All, the law of God proclaims and reveals that all is in reality spiritual. Thus divine law asserts that all good is truly spiritual, and only that which is basically spiritual is good. The Bible confirms this, for we read (Gen. 1:1,31): "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. . . . And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."
This healing truth is incontrovertible. Though error or mortal mind may argue to the contrary, God, all-space-filling Soul, reigns supreme. Though material sense may suggest disease, unhappiness, or some other discord, its testimony is false. The abundant law of good, Truth, uncovers and destroys such testimony as misconception —false belief entertained.