Everyone desires a healthy body, and many individuals have found that to consider their bodies as servants rather than as masters is to take an important step in having less difficulty with them. In a very real sense, man is the conscious embodiment of Spirit's ideas and of those faculties, capacities, and qualities which characterize him as the spiritual reflection of God.
From the human point of view, however, we seem to have material bodies, which are ours to utilize. They identify us with our environment, and they change as our thought changes. They will disappear when we become fully aware of our spiritual identity, or real body. In the meantime, an understanding of the Science which relates man to divine Mind makes one progressively superior to the human sense of body. It makes available an increasing sense of dominion over a material sense of being.
As thought becomes spiritualized, we entertain a spiritual rather than a material sense of body. With the clarity of spiritual discernment, we see that there can be but one true concept of body, the spiritual concept. Furthermore, we see that whatever appears to be wrong with our physical body is wrong only with our false sense of body. Consequently, when the false sense is corrected, the body is healed. This is achieved as we exchange a material sense for the spiritual sense of body.