I wish to express my profound gratitude for Christian Science. I did not become interested in it for physical healing, but because I was looking for a satisfying, practical religion that could be relied upon.
About thirty years ago my sister, who was visiting in our home, invited me to a Sunday morning service at a Church of Christ, Scientist. I shall always cherish the memory of that occasion, because I learned for the first time in my life that God is Life, Truth, and Love, a present help at all times. A dormant sense of religion was awakened in my consciousness, and I left the church with a new lease on life.
My sister gave me a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy and a Christian Science Quarterly. With these and the Bible I began to study the Lesson-Sermons. As I continued reading and reasoning about the spiritual facts of creation, including man, my thoughts were fortified spiritually, and I was able to prove what I knew of God and His allness. A change of residence to a large city and a more attractive position for my husband were two of the first developments which took place.