The Thanksgiving Day service in a Christian Science church is a joyous occasion and is anticipated by Christian Scientists in many parts of the world. Because our churches are open that day, this service presents an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to attend. Many branches have found that an attractive newspaper announcement shortly before Thanksgiving Day brings newcomers to the service. Others have extended invitations by using a printed card, and it is, of course, always in order to invite neighbors and acquaintances by word of mouth.
In countries where Thanksgiving Day is a public holiday, it is advisable to hold the service at the same hour as the usual Sunday morning service. Where this day is not observed as a holiday, the service should be held at a time convenient for the members and congregation.
The holding of a Thanksgiving Day service by branches of The Mother Church in countries other than the United States is optional for each branch, as is the reading of the proclamation by the President of the United States.