Human thought has so accustomed itself to the limitations of time that the contemplation of eternity is an awesome experience. Even when one is ready to affirm that good will never end, it may still be difficult to comprehend the fact that it never began. And yet this is necessarily true since God exists forever and His eternal expression of Himself constitutes man and the universe.
Christian Science teaches that God is omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. Do we ever ask ourselves—when? He is omnipresent now. Then evil, fear, lack, pain, are definitely not present now. God is omnipotent today. Therefore there are in reality no conflicting powers, no destructive forces, nothing which can rob, cripple, or kill. God is omniscient in this present eternity. What He knows is His own goodness, the perfection of His creation, and His own supreme government of the universe. Thus man, who is the very expression of divine Mind, also knows the allness of good.
When Christ Jesus said (Luke 17:21), "The kingdom of God is within you," he was telling us plainly that the consciousness of complete harmony is the present reality of man's being. This kingdom of heaven, which is within man, includes fullness of joy and health, or it would not be heaven.