To most of mankind the word "home" connotes shelter, warmth, protection, a focal point for individual or family life. The Christian Scientist understands that home is a spiritually mental concept. Therefore when right desire or need prompts him to provide a new home for himself or his family, he accepts the challenge to spiritualize his thought of home.
This spiritualization starts with the establishment in consciousness of the truth that man lives in God, Spirit, and it continues with the prayer that God's will be done. The visible manifestation of such prayerful activity may be a new house, a new apartment, or a new room, or an improvement of the old one. The true demonstration, however, is the spiritualized concept of home which has been won.
In reality man is always at home, inseparable from his Father-Mother God. He is never evicted from this home. His place in the Father's love is intact. No one can crowd him out of it or cheat him of his birthright. Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, says (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 258), "Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man, under the government of God in eternal Science, to fall from his high estate." This estate is heaven, the abode of peaceful activity.