ONE of the deep yearnings of mankind is for a greater sense of peace and harmony, for heaven on earth, as some might express it. Through the teachings of Christian Science we receive the glorious tidings that this heaven is indeed a present possibility. Christ Jesus plainly stated (Luke 17:21), "The kingdom of God is within you." Heaven, therefore, is a divine state of consciousness which we can bring into our experience proportionately as we bring every thought and action into obedience to God's law.
In her book "Retrospection and Introspection," Mary Baker Eddy declares (p. 87), "The poet's line, 'Order is heaven's first law,' is so eternally true, so axiomatic, that it has become a truism; and its wisdom is as obvious in religion and scholarship as in astronomy or mathematics." And in the next paragraph she writes, "Genuine Christian Scientists are, or should be, the most systematic and law-abiding people on earth, because their religion demands implicit adherence to fixed rules, in the orderly demonstration thereof."
Certainly no science can be demonstrated in any manner other than an orderly one. In the science of mathematics we must begin with the basic rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before we can work our way up to the solution of problems in calculus. So in Christian Science we begin with the basic truths that God, good, divine Mind, is All-in-all, that He made man in His image and likeness, that He saw all that He had made, and that it was very good. It must follow in orderly sequence that man, made in God's likeness, is Godlike.