Throughout the Scriptures the fact of the allness of God, good, shines as a guiding star leading us out of the false, illusive belief that there is a power opposed to God and into the understanding that the realm of the real is spiritual. In our search for Truth it is imperative that we acknowledge and accept the fundamental fact of God's allness and goodness. This metaphysical premise ensures good and good only in its conclusion.
Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health (p. 468), "All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all." Since God, good, is All-in-all, then the inevitable conclusion is that evil, or error, is nothing.
In order to understand that error is nothing, we must understand that it is impersonal, an illusion of the senses. One may readily recognize the error of personalizing evil, but fail to realize that the personalizing of good is just as erroneous. For according to Christian Science, good is individualized, not personalized. Through our study of Christian Science we see that Christ, the divine nature, is never personal but always impersonal. Since the Christ is impersonal, good is likewise impersonal. God, not a person, is its source. We have only to analyze an instance in Jesus' experience in order to discern this fact. In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 10, we read that when Jesus was walking along the way, a man came running to him and, kneeling down, addressed him, "Good Master." Jesus said, "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God."