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Testimonies of Healing

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science,...

From the July 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am indeed grateful for Christian Science, because it is the revealed truth to our age, the Comforter promised by Christ Jesus. It has enabled me to love the Bible, to understand God and to love Him and my fellow men more. My life has become purposeful and richly blessed. I have had many wonderful proofs of divine guidance, supply, protection, and healing.

When a beginner in this Science, I once was rowing far out in one of our mountain lakes when a sudden storm broke and threatened to overturn the boat. At first an intense fear gripped me because I seemed to be quite helpless. But then I remembered having two books with me, the Bible and Science and Health, and the thought came to me that the truth contained in these textbooks could not be drowned, and so I would be safe too. My fear vanished at once. In a short while I was picked up by a motorboat and brought safely to land.

In other instances I was unharmed when explosions occurred and also when a big windowpane broke on my head. I was in a plane accident in which all the passengers were uninjured. The thought, "God is our Life," came to me. It seemed to permeate the whole place, giving protection to all. Fear of flying was subsequently overcome with the help of a loving Christian Science practitioner. Among physical healings are those of colds, sick headaches, and also lumbago. There has been no recurrence of lumbago, although its return was predicted.

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