I wish to express my gratitude for the testimonies which appear in our periodicals. They are always a source of encouragement to me in working out the problems of daily life. And I should like to relate a few of the healings brought about by the application of Christian Science which I myself have been privileged to witness.
In 1926 when I was very ill with tuberculosis I resolved to read the Bible from beginning to end, something I had not been able to do as a young girl. When I had finished reading it through, the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," was put into my hands. I had never before heard the words "Christian Science." I read the book just as carefully and devotedly as I had read the Bible. As much as I could grasp of what Mary Baker Eddy has written in this book, I recognized to be true and correct. Often during the reading a light illumined my consciousness, and I could see that primarily I was not suffering from an illness but from grief and anxiety and that it was these I must overcome.
And I was healed through reading the book, although I did not yet understand how the healing had been accomplished. I remained faithful to Christian Science, and as a result of my prayers I was led to live in a community where I was able to attend the services of a Church of Christ, Scientist, and to hear lectures on Christian Science. I have now been a member of The Mother Church and of the same branch church for many years.