INCORPORATED in the deeply spiritual and divinely beautiful Sermon on the Mount is found the standard of human relationships set by Christ Jesus and generally known as the Golden Rule (Matt. 7:12): "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." There is no human experience into which this rule does not enter.
A rule is a prescribed guide for conduct or action, and this particular one is golden, that is, precious. It should be used as a measure of one's actions toward others, one's thoughts about others, and of one's words to others. It is the truly unexcelled way of love, the Christly way; love is its basis, its impulsion, and its protection. Obedience to this precious standard of conduct will hallow each day with unselfish endeavor and brotherly kindness.
Christian Science teaches that men cannot serve God and uplift one another on any basis but that of the Golden Rule. This practical religion emphasizes that individual, national, and international difficulties can be successfully resolved only as the thought of the world is educated to a higher standpoint than that of selfish personal considerations.