The Bible teaches and Christian Science confirms the importance of righteous judgment toward ourselves and others. Such judgment has a practical value in our daily lives and produces numerous blessings. It helps to promote and maintain a trustful and harmonious relationship among men and nations and to establish health and progress where sickness and failure claim to be.
The prerequisite to righteous judgment is a spiritual understanding of God and of man's relation to Him. Judgment based on a false material sense of existence is never right.
According to the Scriptures, man is the image and likeness of God. Since God is Spirit, man is spiritual, not material or physical. Moreover, Christian Science teaches that God is perfect Principle, divine Love; therefore man is perfect. There is no cause or creator besides God; and there are no mistakes, flaws, or discrepancies in His creation. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Gen. 1:31)