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From the November 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The young Christian Scientists of today are having to chart their course through life amid a new flood of materialism—evil's self-saving attempt to hold the line against the force of Spirit, which is compelling evil's destruction. For nearly a century Christian Science has been awakening many to the glory, freedom, and purpose of man's spiritual selfhood, instructing them in the use of God's laws in the demonstration of intelligence and direction, and holding them in the mighty discipline of the development of eternal Life, Truth, and Love. This glory, freedom, and purpose form the certain destiny of man.

Christian Science has laid irrevocable siege to evil and materialism and the destiny of suppression, drifting, and bondage they portend for the individual. The issue has become emphatic in the chronicle of our times. It is the struggle in individual consciousness as insubordination, mediocrity, indifference, and irresponsibility claim to challenge the rising of the Christly nature to its full stature. This struggle is reflected on the world scene as antagonistic ideologies, strife, erratic variableness, and lawlessness which resist the appearing through Science of the one government—that of the "I AM THAT I AM" (Ex. 3:14).

In its resistance to the force of Spirit revealed by Christian Science, evil could not plan a more effective strategy than to subvert young people who are on the threshold of taking the very steps that are in fulfillment of a God-given purpose. For materialism to dull their spiritual consciousness, annul their sense of purpose, dim their sense of direction, and absorb their spiritual vitality at this stage would be to impede effectively the appearance of divine order, purpose, and harmony in the affairs of men for years to come.

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