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From the November 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We are living in the midst of the greatest blessing that has come to any age since the time of Christ Jesus. This blessing is the final and complete revelation of Truth in Christian Science. Divinely inspired prophets foretold the coming of the Messiah, and Jesus fulfilled this prophecy. Jesus, in turn, foretold the advent of the Comforter, which was to lead us into all truth. Christian Science is this Comforter. It was revealed to the world by Mary Baker Eddy through the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

In enumerating some of the steps which led to the discovery of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 110): "In following these leadings of scientific revelation, the Bible was my only textbook. The Scriptures were illumined; reason and revelation were reconciled, and afterwards the truth of Christian Science was demonstrated. No human pen nor tongue taught me the Science contained in this book, Science and Health; and neither tongue nor pen can overthrow it."

In the Scriptures a record of spiritual teaching and healing has come down to us through those whose thought was spiritually near to God, who recognized Him as the one and only God, and who knew that "there is none else beside him" (Deut. 4:35). However, the development of these inspired writings was gradual and coincided with a continuing higher and clearer revelation of the nature of God. Such an understanding of God always brings inspiration. The inspired truths that have healed, regenerated, and uplifted mankind have been recorded in sufficient measure in the Bible, and today we have the circle of divine revelation completed in Christian Science.

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