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From the November 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In order to meet the many challenging experiences of today, we need humility. Christian Scientists know that humility aids us in gaining a spiritual understanding of God and man, an understanding which enables us to master the false arguments of material sense testimony. But someone may ask, "In this day of aggressive materialism and conflicting ideologies, with problems more numerous than people, of what use is humility with its generally accepted connotations of weakness and servility?"

The answer lies in the fact that true humility is a positive, moral quality embodying spiritual strength, not a negative, mortal mind trait of weakness. Humility engenders freedom, not bondage; dominion, not domination. This vitalizing characteristic is fraught with power and strengthens us because the very essence of humility is the acknowledgment of the allness of God, the recognition that all good and all power come from Him.

Humility is essential to spiritual growth. Mrs. Eddy states in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p. 1), "Humility is the stepping-stone to a higher recognition of Deity." Its place in the work of healing is set forth clearly on page 356 where our Leader says, "Humility is lens and prism to the understanding of Mind-healing."

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